Can a mini massage gun be used to slim face?

Views: 622 Author: Beilide Massage Gun Publish Time: Origin: Beilide Massage Gun

Can a mini massage gun be used to slim face?


No, mini massage gun has no effect on fat loss.

I have some customers, asking me if mini massage gun can make face smaller, or even some asked me if mini massage gun can be used for "special use"(you know what I am saying).

The answer is no. Mini massage gun has no effect on fat loss and it is dangerous for "special use".

 China massage gun factory

The mini massage gun is mainly aimed at the muscle group. 

After exercise, the muscles will continue to be tense and sore, which requires the high-frequency vibration of the mini massage gun to reduce the local tissue tension of the muscles and promote blood circulation. 

To put it simply, the function of mini massage gun is to speed up the recovery time of muscle. Excellent massage gun can hit deep muscle and quickly solve the problem of muscle soreness.


The use of massage gun is noted, first of all, can not impact the joint, the fascia gun is mainly aimed at the muscle group, for the impact of the joint is ineffective, but will increase the risk of injury, in addition to the joint head, armpit, abdomen, muscles, neck and so on are not suitable for the use of fascia gun. 

Secondly, the use of time and intensity of the fascia gun should be paid attention to, not the longer the use of time, the better the effect, time control in three to five minutes, as well as the gear of the fascia gun, different exercise intensity applies to different gear. 

For non-professionals, please read the instructions carefully.


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